Women’s Armor of God Study

Ok ladies! I am so excited to announce the details of our study! So many pieces falling in place! The study begins now! Here is the link to sign up for FREE access to the video. Also available there is free access to print the note pages for watching the video. You can buy the study book there or on Amazon.

We will meet every other Saturday in the green room at the church at 9:30 am to discuss the sessions. We will be discussing session one on September 19. Ideally, if you order your book right away you should get it and be able to squeeze in the first 5 study lessons. If not, no worries as you will have two weeks before we meet again to discuss session 2.

If you are a little on the fence about this study or want to get a feel for it before you commit go on the link, register and watch session one’s video. I’m pretty certain you will be as jazzed as I was when I watched last night.
Lastly, please message me as soon as possible to let me know if you are going to join the study.
-Kaye Saxon

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